I recently got back in touch with a friend that I have known for many many years...since I was 11. We haven't talked for a couple of years. I think mostly that is my fault. I used to be horrible at staying in touch. I just heard some horrible news. I would like all of you to pray for her. Her name is Lisa and she has gone deaf. It is basically that her bones in both of her ears have grown together and they are killing the nerves that help her to hear. She was telling me that a normal person hears at 10 to 20 db, her good ear is at 80 db and her bad ear is at 95 db. None of the doctors can help her because the aids that she needs will cost her 10,000 per ear. I would like everyone to pray for her.....or at least send her some love....
I am still in Missouri at Smitty's...yes I know..I have been here allot longer than I had anticipated. But I realize that maybe there is a reason that I am here for so long...There is definitely some healing that needs to be done here....
I am having a real problem on trying to figure out where I want to go. I have had offers to go to Florida, Arizona and Chicago...
Here is my problem...I don't really want to go to Florida (have no interest in Florida, never have), I feel if I go to Arizona I will get stuck there...I don't want that...You guys know how much I hate feeling stuck...and I really don't know but one person in AZ...and going to Chicago..I had a friend offer me a bus ticket to get there and back to here....but i am traveling with me dog and don't want to leave her at all...even though I do have some great friends here who I could trust to watch her and yes they have agreed...but she is my responsibility not theirs...and the person in Chicago is not even family like you guys are...van dwellers and rainbow...We used to be good friends but then I have changed so much that I am not sure it would be good for my spirit...I have thought about going to see my friend Lisa in Arkansas, or going back to the Community.....argggg...
I want my "family"!!
i have been doing allot of oracle(tarot) reading for myself lately....and I keep getting the same message....wonderful things are happening right where I am, I need to live in the moment and stop getting caught up in the "future plans" and most importantly it is telling me to "SLOW DOWN"
SO I am going to try and take the advise...sometimes I get lost in wanting to travel and see all my friends...I want that very badly...I want to spend some time with all of those that I feel close too...but you know there is something that I have lost track of...I have allot of "family" right here where I am...Some of these people I haven't seen in a long time...maybe that is what I need to do...focus on where I am instead of where I am not...no one can stop me now, I can go anywhere...and no one can take away my dream now...I would like to eventually visit all of those wonderful ppl out there...like 721pm..Voluntary Simplicity, Holding, Jonna,FreedomVan, and many many more......!
I think, as I am writing this, what I am actually doing is figuring out what to do...
I really feel close to the spirits...and I always look for them for advise and guidance. I have found that where ever I go, there is a reason I have gone there...whether it is to heal someone or myself (spiritually and physically). I have a great healing heart and my love is very very strong. I believe that love can heal all wounds...If you are in need of healing, please email me..or if you want an oracle reading also email me...my readings are free....and I am very in tune with my cards....especially here of late...If you feel that I should be there with you to help you heal....please let me know...and if you love me...let me know that too...I love to hear that I am loved...now I know most of you are not yet set free to love all...but I pray that one day, you will be set free to love unconditionally all those around you who need your love....
Lots of Love To All of You!!
A new name for a new beginning......
and float.
4 months ago
ON FOOT WITH A PACK ON YOUR BACK and a dog?? Oh child.. go south!! It's November. It would be better if you could find a place to hunker down for the winter.
I lived in Missouri many years ago. It is an entirely different climate down there... only 700 miles south but a completely different world of weather than further north.
Things are different up here in Minnesota since the climate has changed but the cold will be coming soon. It takes longer to come but it turns bitter rather fast once it finally does. You just can't get stuck in that. The wind chills can be rough and you have to have the appropriate clothing.
It's supposed to snow tonight (but not accumulate on the ground). It will only be in the 30's with night time lows in the 20's for the next week. So the cold is coming to places further north of where you are now.
Now you get out in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana... they might be having blizzards already. Gets pretty nasty out there in the big wide open lands. I spent a night on an overpass in a blizzard once when the highway was closed down.
I don't know what the dates are in different places but it's deer hunting season so be CAREFUL if you are out in the woods anywhere. Could you borrow a blaze orange hat or vest or something...have it just in case?
I worry about your safety traveling on foot. I wish there was a different way for you to do it. It's the rare humans with dangerous defects that I worry about. You got no place to hide on foot.
Oh listen to me... as if you are one of my children. I think you fit into their age ranges though so what's a mother to do?
I would love to have your mothering! You can take me under your wing anytime! Good mothering is hard to find! As I dont have a mother nor a father. It is very good to hear your words and I feel them as well!
I was afraid to travel north because of the oncoming weather conditions. I have made the decision to go south, just not sure which way. I may go ahead and head to Florida or Cali(which I just got an offer to go).
Its amazing how many wonderful people there are out there, but then on the downside like you said there are allot of crazy people, too.
I am at the moment staying with some friends (I would consider family) so I have a roof over my head. I figure that I will head north when the weather south gets really hot.
Loving You
You have no parents? No one? No one to turn to? This is sad, you are too young to have no parents out there.
Was there a tragic occurrence that took your parents from you?
Are you a former foster child? If so...that is one system that doesn't work. Kids grow up and they are tossed out at the age of 18 when the so-called parents don't get a check for them any more. I don't agree with that. I think foster families should be lifelong bonds like blood families.
Do you have a coat? I wonder if they wear winter coats in California, some places have mountains where there is snow. I'm pretty sure they don't in Florida. Heh. We're kind of big on coats around here.
I'd look for a nice 'hippy' town. I guess they are out there. Towns where nice people congregate from all over. Coming from cool, aloof Minnesota it is hard to believe there are entire towns full of friendly people. People aren't friendly here, not like other places I've been in my life. But then... that's what I'd do. You got to follow your dream.
sigh. stuff to do. catch up with you later young one...
When I was nine my mother left me. My step-father took me in because he had to but then he didnt want me...to much responsibility i guess...So I spent alot of time on the streets growing up...I never knew my real father...never even met him as a baby...Talked to him once on the phone when I was 14 but he never called back...So no I dont have any parents.
I have a hoodie and a sweater..and I wear alot of layers...my pack os lighter that way.
Oh I could go to Slab City...Im sure there are alot of people out there right now! I forgot about that town...I had always wanted to visit it..especially after watching Into The Wild...What an awesome movie!!
Bless You Jonna,
Loving You
Geeze. You were orphaned. What you went through leaves emotional damage. Been there. Got to be so strong and make your own family where you can find it. But there's always that something inside that is left feeling abandoned. Hang in there.
I went through a bit of that too, everyone was around somewhere but they all had their own new lives and there were times no one wanted me around. I'm old street.
The slabs. I have read for years how it is an experience people say everyone should do once just to experience it. It has an appeal, you know?
Desert is cold at night, two tiny tents (one inside the other) could keep your body heat around you.
The clothing you describe would keep you ok down to about 35 deg F... but not down around 20 deg F. A few hours, you be ok, longer than that.. you start feeling cold. Got to have a hat and coat and wool socks and if nothing else.. wool socks over your hands.
You like death metal? Can't stand it. I got a cousin who does it (he does a little band stuff now and then). I listened to a song he did once. He says "So how did you like it?" I says "Well I couldn't understand a damn word you sang" He says "You weren't supposed to" I says "So what was the point then?" So then I had 'death metal' explained to me. Huh. I'll stick to a life of silence. I could understand the kid better when I changed his diapers and bought him DQ cones. I still love him even if he grew up weird. I guess my kids like what he does. I'm just going to stay stupid about it all.... you can't know how much fun it is to get my kids rolling their eyes and groaning when they think I'm hopelessly dum. I laugh my belly inside out after I leave them.
take care there young one...
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