Ok so I just left Smitty's house 2 nights ago. Watched the Cowboys vs 49ers Sun before I left..Which had me leaving really late (330pm). Ruby and I walked several miles, till roughly midnight. I would have kept walking but we were so cold. I have no idea what the temp was but it was cold..my fingers from thumbing it, was almost numb. Well I set up the tarp (first time btw, just the tarp part), and my sleeping bags and me and Ruby settled in for the night, in between the W60 and the outer road. Well (I am guessing on "times") about 2 or 3 am, I still hadn't been able to fall asleep, because my nick was really hurting (from the pack and from the terrain) and I hadn't eaten that day so I vomited 3 times (during the course of the night) from acid in my stomach, I had a huge headache, and freezing, well at about 2 or 3 am it started lightly raining..so I pulled the tarp over us the best I could but it just wasn't doing all that much good..so needless to say I got about an hour or so of sleep and when morning came we were really wet and cold. Let me tell you how cold it was...when I woke up and started to pick everything up I couldn't feel my fingers nor my feet, and Ruby's nose (which is normally red) was almost white and her ears were freezing (which are normally really warm...). Well after walking for a while a trucker finally picked us up and took us to the bus station. I arrived at the station at about 9am and Blue was due in at 12:30...Well Blue arrived and we went to walmart..about 2 miles away (I think). I don't know if you guys know or not but I have asthma really bad and had ran out of my meds not quite 2wks ago. So I was having a really hard time breathing. Well we went to walmart to see if i could get my meds transferred...well they could but they discontinued the meds that i take(which normally only cost me $12.00) so there was a new meds that were much more expensive ($43.00)..YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! So there was no way I could afford it..So since I couldn't get the meds I went around the walmart and tried to find some food...well this was a fairly new walmart, I wouldn't find the food (i cant see very well so I thought they had just put it in an odd spot, So I asked a walmart employee about the food...well that walmart hadn't gotten there food stuff yet..go figure..so I talked to her about some over the counter meds for my asthma...one thing led to another and she also has asthma...but didn't have an inhaler on her. Here is a really kick ass thing...she got off work in 10 min, she TOOK me to her house and gave me a full inhaler!! Then took me back to the walmart! How awesome is that..a TRUE LIFE SAVER! So got back to the walmart and we left there and went across the street to the BIG Kmart (first time I had been to one of these) well Blue went inside and got some tuna and some peanut butter crackers (needed protein really bad). While we were eating, this woman comes up and says here go buy you some burgers and hands us $5...cool! So after we left there we walked around trying to remember where my friend monte lived...couldn't hardly remember..so we walked several miles up and down streets that I thought were right...finally after it got dark we went to a Shoney's and I used the phone..btw I didn't know monte's number anymore, so I called his work and of course he wasn't working and they couldn't tell me (legally) his number, so they called him instead and gave him the number to where I was..awesome huh!! Well he called me..and come to find out he didnt even live in the same place anyways...so we got a cab and went to his house. Had a wonderful time..I got to watch mon night foot ball and monday night WWE!! So I didnt have to miss any of my shows LOL...Needless to say we all had a wonderful time. Gotta love Monte! Well monte had to be at work early so at about 730am we left with his mom and him..dropped him off and then she was nice enough to take us to the corner where we needed to get to get on the freeway...Awesome....and dear if you read this...thank you sooo much. So we stayed at the gas station for a while...and this dude comes up, he has lots of piercings like I do...he says I see your headed to Ark..Im from ark too...and he said he wanted to help us out...this guy didnt have a bunch of money..infact it looked like he gave us all he had...he gave us $5....We werent flying signs or spanging.....So I got up and hugged they guy and told him how thankful I was. and Blue hugged him too. Well after that we headed up the ramp to hwy65..walked about 6 or 7 miles, I think, till we got to the ramps of freeway 60...I told Blue that I wasnt going another step from this spot that we stopped...It looked like the best place to camp for the night. I didnt want to get caught again like the other night where Ruby and I froze.. Well about 20 min later...my cousins husband shows up and gives us a ride all the way to my sisters house!! How cool is that...I said I wasnt walking another step..and I didnt have tooo!!! So here I am. Using her computer, so you guys can know whats going on...So tonight I get to take a shower and lay in a real bed (tho at monte's I got to sleep ina real bed too), but this time I dont have to get up at 7am...and boy am I tired....found out my pack weighs almost 100lbs....boy is it majorly heavy...well thats all folks lol...
Loving You All
and float.
4 months ago
Oh, I cringed when I read about you being cold and hitching. I hitched all through my late teens and 20's. Actually, it was some of the best times of my life. You have a guardian angel...so did I. Whenever I was truly in need, people helped me out. You take care! Love ya!
Yes it is amazing how many wonderful ppl are out there...I have faith that anything that I truly am in need for will be provided in one way or another!
Loving You
I Enjoyed your post! you have a good heart.
OMG, you are so lucky you didn't get hurt, i'm glad you got to your sis's ok..I was homeless and lived in my car at 18, it was rough but ppl were always there giving me food and sometimes a place to crash. I hope your throat gets better, that sounds terrible!
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