I am writing to you from the local library. Its a hot day out. The wind is warm and barely blows. We are down to very little gas at the moment but hopefully tomorrow we will have a few extra dollars.
I rearranged the van so now it is much more homey. I even took apart the sides of the van where the drink holders are towards the back of the van. That is where we will be building Kiko her cage it will be molded to the wall and around the tire well.
Not allot of exciting news. Just wishing there was somewhere close by that had either a swimming pool or a creek (prefer a creek, I never have like pools). I have been looking, as we drive, for a nice shady, cool spot to park. But have not found any yet. Maybe I am looking on the wrong side of town. I think tomorrow during the heat of the day, while John is at work, I will look on the other side of town and see what other parking spots are available.
I have been getting a bit worried about the police problems that I have been seeing arise. Not just locally but, it seems, everywhere. Some of my van "Family" have been harassed by the police..
Why is it illegal to live in your vehicle?
Are they telling the truth?
Is it really illegal to live in your vehicle?
Do you think the cops look at people who live in their RV's the same as they look at those living in their car or van? Why should they look at us differently? They are both mobile, with wheels. You can have just as nice and cozy a van as you can an RV. And vans cost allot less in purchase price and in gas price. To me the van is the logical choice. If you place your cards right, you can have all the amenities of an RV. From the head room to the toilet.
I am so glad this blogger saves your blogs...I would have just lost all of my ranting to this computer because it decided to shut down the Internet for a bit and well I had to relog in...Thank you Blogger!
Now it seems I have another 30 minutes to talk if I choose to. I have been using most of my extra van time to read a few good novels. Its my favorite pastime! I am reading Cast of Fate at the moment. Cant remember the authors name.
I have decided since I have the use of the library I will look up the laws for us van dwellers and see what I can find, locally and nationally. I don't want to live in the fear that they may make our lives unpleasant. Not that I would mind moving somewhere else, but John has his obligations here.
I don't know if everyone knows or not, but we had bought a reasonably pricey van because of the loss that we had earlier in the year. We are buying the van for 2450, and after this payment coming up on the 5th we will have paid 1300. That leaves us only with 1150.
If you have read Freedomvan you will have read that she is trying to get rid of dept. I have thought about that many times. Should we stay longer and pay off more debts? Or should we not worry about the "bad credit" and just continue as we have been. I really don't think I will ever own anything beyond a van and a few meager belongings. In fact, before we decided to move into a van, I was thinking of leaving everything behind and using my feet to get me home, where ever that might have been. I was tired of that way of life. Always the same things day in and day out. Always going back to the same place with the same yard. I don't want that life of having to work and work for nothing. Never able to enjoy yourself. I would prefer not to work for a company but to work for myself and my own means, or to help others. Not help the richer get richer.
Well my rants have really made this post long. But its about time to go. The clock that keeps ticking down is telling me that I have 16 minutes left to rant....haha..... If anyone lives near me or is going to be near me..even if only for a few hours or days, please come visit with us. I want to meet "new friends" and "new family."
and float.
4 months ago
I lived in a van for a while in Seattle, and it was illegal there too. I'm guessing it is in most places. I'm not sure why, maybe public health issues (they're afraid you'll take a crap in someone's lawn, for example.) Whereabouts do you usually park? I found industrial areas were best, no one was around after dark. Also you might check around for truck stops or rest areas. Good luck.
I think if any police officer tells me it's illegal to live in my van, I'll ask him/her to cite the bylaw so I can post it on my blog and in my book. I'll also get the officer's name and badge number as sweetly as I can and ask a lot of questions. The good thing about municipal bylaws is you can have them changed (with effort).
Many WalMarts are nice about letting you park overnight. Park with the big RVs and you'll be in good company. I like the ones that are 24 hour... you can use the rest rooms in the middle of night. I always buy something, too.
We have been parking in friends and familys driveways and in walmart and the rest area here.
THat is a very good idea and I think I will if an officer approaches us with the "its illegal"...
<<"If anyone lives near me or is going to be near me..even if only for a few hours or days, please come visit with us">>
where 'bouts are you guys (which state) ?
don't get too attached to one vehicle... we've been traveling for 5 years in about 10 vehicles and each one i totally remodeled and though it was "home" but blown motors and free old vehicles (we like to recycle) come and go easily... sell your van for $200 and buy the winnebego. or better yet - find a diesel uhaul. and run it for free on veggie oil - we are! http://www.livetolovetolive.com
We live in Harrison, Arkansas. Thats in North Central Arkansas.
i think alto of our problem is we want to leave as soon as we can. And we still have allot of payments left. The van is a great van and hasn't had that many problems that couldn't be fixed fairly easy. We dont know how to convert to veggie oil or anything like it. Could we come and see you and talk more about this? When is a good time to come a visit? Where exactly are you guys located? Contact me at alicatpurrrrrrrrrrr@gmail.com much easier to get in touch with me than my yahoo address.
P.S Anyone who wishes to get in touch with me through email can. Please feel free to email me anytime.
I want to come see ya girlie. Ive been wondering how you were we havent talked in like forever so give me a ring. Maybe soon after we make some money we will come see ya. love ya and take care
I look forward to hearing what you find out about vandwelling being illegal!
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