I am heading out tomorrow. Heading north through Harrison, AR, to Springfield, MO, then to Mama Wanda's for the 31st all Hallow's Eve Celebration, then north to Chicago then east to West Virginia, then further east eventually to see the ocean. All along the way, I hope to see new and interesting people and have alot of kind conversation's.
Just recently, about 2 weeks ago, I met a wonderful travel partner, her name is Ruby, is about 8 years old by my guesstimates. She is a Red-nosed Golden Retriever. When I met Ruby, we had an instant connection, she never leaves my side and she has slept with me this entire time. Once I started making her backpack, she instantly changed gears. She no longer wanted to come inside and she keeps coming to get me. I see the excitement in her eyes. She knows it is time to leave, even I feel the strong pull. I made the backpack for her yesterday out of an old pair of jeans. It only took one day to make it. Now she has had it on all day, empty of course, then tomorrow I will fill it with all her food and a few other items and then we will head out. I cant wait to get a picture taken...Soon.
and float.
4 months ago
good luck in your travel and your new travel partner
Thank you!! I do hope that all goes well. In the near future I hope to be able to put up better blogs. But as I have it now, I don't have much time to blog.
Loving You
Ali (Lori)
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