What a trip it has been. I ended my last post in Huntington. So we will start from there....
I was in Huntington WV for a week. I stayed in a small one room cabin in the woods. No electricity and a wood stove. It was awesome. I had thought about leaving there before my birthday, 4/14, but decided I didnt want to be traveing on my bday. So I stayed there for my bday. It rained all day and the night before..Well the mountains where I was in Midkiff are all thick clay so it became extrememly muddy. I had a preetty decent time for my bday. But I sure miss popcorn. So I had to climb off the mountain because during that rain my friend Robbie got his Tracker put in a pond coming down the mountain on my bday. I had ran out of water and not much food left so I had to get off the mountain. Well I got off the mountain (not easy), then tried to find my way to Robbies house (I went the wrong way 2 times...blahh that was realy tiring. Plus where I broke the side of my foot while I was in college..was cramping horribly even before I left the cabin and walked down the mountain. Well I finaly made it to Huntington and walked to what I thought was towards the interstate that I needed but I found out I walked the wrong way..But I kept going anyways...Well I put my thumb out when i finally could in Ohio...And less than a minute later I had a ride. This ride was going to some town in Ohio that wasnt really that far..but he took me to lexington KY, which I thought was awesome!! Thanks Kevin!! Well Kevin dropped me off at a truck stop and within the hour I had a ride that was going all the way to the west coast. Now you guys know how much I want to see popcorn so I took that ride. It took 3 days for me to get from ohio to flagstaff...not bad for hitchin....Well so on that sat before i arrived in flagstaff I emailed popcorn to let him know i was coming. Cuz thats where he has been. So I waited there for 2 ddays. The first day I got to flagstaff it was 11pm and cold. I had no idea where anything was..and I still hadnt heard from popcorn in about 2 weeks. So I just used my intuitin..and it sure did work. I was led to an awesome park where I arrived around 2am and layed down cuddled up to a huge pine tree..but what sucked is I dont have any blankets...It was less than 32 degrees for sure..maybe around 27 or so...well needless to say i froze my ass off...but the next day i sat at the library in the park all day..at Wheeler park met some women from the mission there and was taken to the mission to stay...But damn it if I didnt want to stay in some shelter..I can handle the cold.. So I stood there for a long moment infront of the buzzer for the door to go in...With my head down an emo kids comes walking up past me and asks me whats in my black bag...well i told him it was my guitar..he said aww you play guitar I said yes..and he invited me to play that night there was an open mic night. I told him that i would if i could find a place to sleep that night. He asked what i was doing and I said i was a hitch hiker and had just arrived that previous night. He ran his fingers through his gotee and said I may have a place for you...We went right next door to a house there and that was where he lived. with several roomates...they let me sleep on there couch that night. Now lets continue the story from meeting the new friends. Well the one that offered me a place to stay was Ash. I found out that they were a very popular band there in flagstaff. They even had concerts in their basement, they called the house the cottage house. It was awesome! Well that night I played guitar and listened to lost of others play.Then we played some together it was an awesome adventure with crazy stuff on the projector (oh by the way we were set up outside).We all played the electric guitar. It was so awesome!!So the next day i was at Wheeler park watching to see if popcorn would show up to the library to check his messages when a man with a cute overweight dachsund that had a huge tung hanging out the side of its mouth...(always out the side of his mouth) well the mans name is ben and his dogs name is rusty..well we sat and talked for a bit and he told me that he had just left everything...so he was a newbie..Well he took me to McD's and bought me 3 burgers. Well we had talked aobut traveling together him, me and popcorn. Well he took me in to the library and i was able to check my email...well popcorn said he was in san diego...arrggghh!! well so me and ben decided we would go and get him..well while we were in pheonix az i got intouch with a friend of mine TJ who I have known for about 5 years now. Well we decided to take a 6 hour detour and that is hwere right now we are about an hour east of Tucson on I-10 in a smal town called Willcox. While on the way we had no money so I spanged for gas the whole way. We have a CB in the truck (a really good one) so I was bored while in Tucson and started talking on it and telling jokes to make the truckers laugh...well then I said what do you do when a gwoman is sittting on the hood of her truck playing guitar with pink tipped dreads and bright colored clothes on..well they did konw I said well you shove dollar bills in her shoes lol..and then i said that i was thinking about sitting on the hood and doing just that ...Because I was out of gas and needed some moeney> well I had a trucker come on there and say he had some spare change..Well long story short he bought me a coke and gave me $20. Well that got us here..and now I am sitting in luxury with an airconditoiner, a nice bed to sleep intonight..and food and even soda! Oh ya and internet and tv and movies...im a pimpin "foundatoin impaired" person!! By the way..I am surrounded by the most beautiful and wonderful ppl...everywhere i go!
Loving you all
Please dont forget to leave comments...I want to know what you think..I want to know if you guys want me to continue to write....
and float.
4 months ago
Yes , Keep Writing.....love to read about your stories and adventures......Keep Writing and Sharing with us!!!!
You really do have a way of getting around. I'm glad you're bothering to keep updating this. I like how every single day seems like an adventure. Keep it positive - you're really good at that.
Chris Harne
Good posts! Hope yer taking lotsa good pictures 4 us 2 see. -Science!
Hey! wow you are sure having some adventures. You and popcorn are still together though, right? You both seemed so happy at the gathering :) Why is he so far away? Hope you get to meet back up soon, stay in touch, Sonja
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