I want to tell all of what has happened...but I dont feel like writing it lol...but the more time i wait the longer i have to sit and think..Life has been pretty great as you alerady know..aside from not having my husband and not knowing anything about why I dont..other than that things are doing great and running smoothly. I have joined a kitchen for nationals...for those of you whpo dont know what nationals are...rainbow gathering... www.welcomehere.org I am in Dallas TX. Working on a roof getting paid.Sitting here with some great family..here is an introduction to all of the ppl staying here n helping out, We picked up a woman in Arkansas named Rusty Modig..but we call her Modig for short,little hippy girl who wears goggle (cute & sweet), Science the man who lives here, older gentler man, who can make you laugh all day, Nata who was here until this afternoon but should be back in a few days, he is an awesome musician with long dreads and an inocent smile, then we have Pockets who loves food and is a great cook, with short kinky curly hair, and last but definitely not least, Squirt and her fiance Sketch (me and my lost popcorn had met them at the Ocala gathering) and their dog Little Bitch. We have been having alot of fun here...getting high and loving life..